Inspired by Jimmy Fallon and The Roots' "Classroom Instrument" series, WYRK decided to make a version of their own using instruments found around the studio -- and start it off last night at the Acoustic Show.
In a new TouchTunes poll, Jon Bon Jovi has been voted as the "Sexiest Man In Music." Close to 30% of the votes went to Bon Jovi's frontman. Usher took 2nd place in the "Love Survey" with 26% of the vote. He edged out Blake Shelton who received.....
That filled up diaper ain't gonna last too long...if the DJ puts Bon Jovi on (sung like Joe Nichols). Who doesn't love Bon Jovi really? I mean, the older stuff is great! This baby just has incredible taste even in diapers.
Pollstar has released its chart of the Top 50 Concert Tours of 2010. The findings were broken down into 2 categories...."Top 50 North American Tours" and " Top 50 Worldwide Concert Tours". On the North American chart......