Remembering The Schoharie Bridge Collapse In New YorkRemembering The Schoharie Bridge Collapse In New York37 years ago, New York had it's own tragic bridge collapse. Ed NiceEd Nice
How Safe Are The Bridges In New York StateHow Safe Are The Bridges In New York StateWith the terrible tragedy that occurred on I-95 in Philadelphia, it calls into question the condition of bridges all over the countryEd NiceEd Nice
Watch Explosives Take Down The Old Rail Trestle In LetchworthWatch Explosives Take Down The Old Rail Trestle In LetchworthThe replacement to the iconic bridge at Letchworth is almost complete. Liz MantelLiz Mantel
Watch It HereWatch It HereYesterday we told you that the old 219 bridge that for many years was the main connection for travelers heading to Ellicottville from Springville was going to be imploded. This morning it happened. Watch footage of the implosion here.Brett AlanBrett Alan