Well if this isn't the cutest thing you'll see today! This newborn filly doesn't quite have her legs yet. One sneeze from herself and she's down. Watch this adorable fail!
Well if this isn't the cutest thing!?!? Not only is this cat adorable but it's doing one of the most un-cat thing - enjoying water!
Nanakuli, which means "to look blind", was found on the street in pretty bad shape. Somehow Nanakuli was not only brought back to health but was taught a new love...
What happens when you call for a dog and you have two of them? This happens!
"Batman the French Bulldog had a clear shot to jump across the couch to see his owner, but he meets a road block along the way. Watch what happens when a Doberman runs across his flight path right in the middle of his leap...
Have you ever tried to give a pet medicine? They all the sudden become geniuses and know that there's a pill in the cheese or you don't want to scratch their ear. However, I've never seen a reaction like this! LOL
The cuteness level of this dog is already high, but slow the video down and see how it almost appears he's jumping imaginary hurdles. Well that or he's just clumsy with excitement.
Do the invisible hurdles!
Posted by 104.8 Ch...
I feel like this is how we all feel when we're woken up. I don't see it as grumpy, I see it as real. LOL! I give this video bonus points for it being a bulldog!