
Guilty Dogs
Guilty Dogs
Guilty Dogs
It's amazing (and honestly, hilarious) when a dog does something wrong, destroys something or chews somethings up and they know that they did it. Especially, when they are confronted about it. Take a look at these two dozen dogs or so who, when confronted have the most guilty look on their face or immediately their tags stop wagging as the guilt sets in...
Too Much Cuteness
Too Much Cuteness
Too Much Cuteness
Videos like these don't need introduction. I'll just tell you that Irirs, the dog is training to be a service dog and this little fawn followed him out of the woods the other day and this is the result. Let your heart melt now... // Take a break from the madness and enjoy 25 seconds of cuteness...
Catching Some Rays
Catching Some Rays
Catching Some Rays
On warm days it's always nice to relax on a raft in the pool. This dog has the life. I get the feeling he has done this a few times. Check out this cute video. // Sometimes you just want to take your teddy bear into the pool and drift away from all your troubles...

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