
Was Diane Sawyer Drunk During Election Coverage?   [VIDEO/POLL]
Was Diane Sawyer Drunk During Election Coverage? [VIDEO/POLL]
Was Diane Sawyer Drunk During Election Coverage? [VIDEO/POLL]
Was Diane Sawyer tippin' 'em back while broadcasting during the presidential election?  It sounds like a joke, but maybe she needed it!  I know I felt like having a drink or two with the two candidates we had to choose from.  Twitterland was
What Would the First Presidential Debate Sound Like If You Depended Solely On Lip Reading? [VIDEO]
What Would the First Presidential Debate Sound Like If You Depended Solely On Lip Reading? [VIDEO]
What Would the First Presidential Debate Sound Like If You Depended Solely On Lip Reading? [VIDEO]
I know a lot of people are tired of the election but trust me on this one.  Much of the 2012 presidential debates sounded like gibberish to me, and I had the sound turned up.  Imagine how the debate could have been interpreted if you had no sound on your tv and you had to depend on lip reading alone.
Dale’s Daily Data: Election Day
Dale’s Daily Data: Election Day
Dale’s Daily Data: Election Day
Before 1845, states could hold presidential elections any day in the 34 days before the first Wednesday in December.  That’s when the electoral colleges in each state would meet to elect the president.  But in 1845, Congress adopted a law establishing a single nationwide election day - the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.