
Huge Bow Shot
Huge Bow Shot
Huge Bow Shot
WARNING: Not for sensitive eyes and souls. A 13-year-old, Clayton Coyle had the "greatest hunt of his life" when he hit this massive bull one morning in the woods. On his YouTube page, Coyle said: My name is Clayton Coyle, ive hunted since i was about 5 years old...
His First Hunt
His First Hunt
His First Hunt
There's something sacred about the first hunt that you go on.  And for this kid, there's something incredibly cute.  Watch as he tries to call ducks on their deer hunt.
Hunter's Excuses
Hunter's Excuses
Hunter's Excuses
I have hunted in four of the eight counties in Western New York this season and have been in the woods just about every day since the opening day of archery season on October 1st. Although I have been seeing deer here and there, it seems to me that the numbers of deer are down.
THAT guy
THAT guy
THAT guy
Dude Perfect is a Youtube channel that started out making trick shots in just about every sport.  From basketball to bowling, they covered just about all of them.  Now they've gotten really good at pointing out stereotypes in sports like fishing and their latest attempt....hunting.
Kristy Lee Cook’s Trophy Mule Deer [PHOTO]
Kristy Lee Cook’s Trophy Mule Deer [PHOTO]
Kristy Lee Cook’s Trophy Mule Deer [PHOTO]
Hunting in the western states is an incredible experience. The beauty of the landscape is something that just doesn't translate well in pictures. Kristy Lee Cook spent a few days in The Northwest and was able to be successful on a mule deer hunt.
Cecil Statement
Cecil Statement
Cecil Statement
A dentist from Minnesota is quite the center of attention after he killed Cecil the Lion with a bow on July 1 on a paid trip in Africa.
Chilling Response
Chilling Response
Chilling Response
His name is Jason Groseclose and he's a 2-time World Coyote Howling Champion. You can see why in this video.  His first call gets no response.  Try not to get chills after his second attempt.
Woman Hunter Banned?
Woman Hunter Banned?
Woman Hunter Banned?
She's a Texas Tech University cheerleader, and she is causing more drama than you could even imagine -- but, it's not the kind you'd assume.
Buck Battle
Buck Battle
Buck Battle
I received an email yesterday that I wanted to share with you. It was a video posted to YouTube on December 3, 2013, and the email had the subject line: "This happens on a regular basis."

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