
21 “Handy” Apps For Your Smartphone
21 “Handy” Apps For Your Smartphone
21 “Handy” Apps For Your Smartphone
I was lucky enough to get an iPhone for Christmas.  I have been begging for one to keep in better contact with my clients for my side job and finally got one.  The funny thing is, I use it for a ton more things than I ever could have imagined.  Click here for a list of 21 apps that may come in handy if you are decorating your home, want to be a handyman, or are planning a new paint job.
Is Your Smartphone Stressing You Out?
Is Your Smartphone Stressing You Out?
Is Your Smartphone Stressing You Out?
It's amazing what phones can do now.  They've gone from simple things that could only make calls to things that have games, cameras, internet and can now nearly run our entire lives.  I just got a smartphone for Christmas and I love it.  But recent research from Health Day News says that it might be adding more stress to your life.
Apps You Would Find On My iPhone!
Apps You Would Find On My iPhone!
Apps You Would Find On My iPhone!
Two weeks ago I took the plunge... I was Mr. Android for years and now I am the proud owner of an iPhone. I have been in transition mode since I got the iPhone, trying to learn the ins and outs just like I had to do when I had purchased my first Android phone. The iPhone is a solid, secure phone with tons of great apps to go along with it.
Control Your iPhone With Your Brain….Only Your Brain
Control Your iPhone With Your Brain….Only Your Brain
Control Your iPhone With Your Brain….Only Your Brain
Let's be honest, technology has gotten pretty cool.  We can do things with our phones now that in the past would have required a huge number of devices that were strapped to a wall.  But with the latest invention, technology has gotten a little creepy.
[VIDEO] Word Lens (This Is The Future)
[VIDEO] Word Lens (This Is The Future)
[VIDEO] Word Lens (This Is The Future)
I've never been one to be the first to jump on technology.  But this looks incredible!  It's an iPhone app that actually translates signs/words/foreign languages just by holding your phone up to it!