This popular restaurant in Western New York will be finally opening after unexpected closing for a few months. If you go by the sign, it says 'Reopening Wednesday'.
Several TikTok videos have revealed Olive Garden restaurants are selling their cheese graters. Here is how you can get one along with some cheese to take home.
Labor Day is more than the unofficial end of summer. It's a day set aside to honor the American Labor movement. This year, Olive Garden will observe it by giving back.
How many times have you been out and thought, "let's stop in and get a quick bite to eat," only to find out that your "quick bite" will require a 45 minute wait? Olive Garden restaurants are trying to eliminate that wait and make it easier for you to put yourself in line while you get other things done.
If you missed your chance last year for never ending past from Olive Garden you'll have your shot again today at 2 p.m. Last year the passes sold out in less than 45 minutes!
This year they are offering TWO types of passes!
The tradition single unlimited pasta pass and a family pass...