New York State Trying to Ban Plastic BottlesNew York State Trying to Ban Plastic BottlesYou may see a lot less plastic bottles very soon in New York State as the State tries to ban a certain kind.Rob BanksRob Banks
Will Rest Of NY Ban Ketchup Packets And Plastic Silverware?Will Rest Of NY Ban Ketchup Packets And Plastic Silverware?Will the next item to be banned in New York State be ketchup packets and plastic takeout silverware?Yasmin YoungYasmin Young
New Law Would Let You Bring Your Own Leftover Containers To RestaurantsNew Law Would Let You Bring Your Own Leftover Containers To RestaurantsA new bill that could be passed by New York lawmakers could allow you to bring your own reusable containers to restaurants.Chris OwenChris Owen
Fishermen Save Baby Dolphin + Receive A Thank You [VIDEO]Fishermen Save Baby Dolphin + Receive A Thank You [VIDEO]I don't think we realize how easy it is for sea life to get caught up in our trash, even if it's not intentionally put there. Check out these fisherman rescuing a baby dolphin from a plastic bag.Liz MantelLiz Mantel