Ten Town Top 10: The Best Things About Each WNY Town
Akron: Perry’s, whiting roll up door, Akron rule, Niagara label, Ford gum, Strippet, Akron falls park, the octagon house, murder creek.
Boston: George’s and Nick Charlaps
Brant-Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ
Cheektowaga-Pink flamingo lawn ornaments and crab apple trees
Clarence-'Day in the Park'
Cuba- Cuba cheese
East Aurora-A toy town with an open container policy.
Eden-Corn Festival
Evans-Lakeside Market, Connors Hot Dog Stand
Hamburg-Erie County Fair
Holland-Holland International Speedway and Crash-a-Rama
Lancaster-Firetruck Parade, 4th of July Celebration
Lewiston: Art Park, Brickyard, Peach Festival
Lockport: Erie canal locks & Lake Effect Ice Cream
North Collins- The original "tractor day".
Perry: cookie factory, charcoal corral, Silver Lake
South Dayton-Donuts
Tonawanda-Canalfest, Mississippi Mudds, the smell of sugar cookies throughout the city.
West Seneca-Cider mill, Queen of Heaven
Williamsville-Main Street, Old Home Days