This High School “Opt Out” Fundraiser Is Genius!
Someone running the fundraising arm of an Auburn High School's PTO is a genius! They just came up with the perfect fundraiser by not having a fundraiser! A high school in Alabama is kicking off the new school year with a chance for parents not to be roped into volunteering or having to ask co-workers to buy wrapping paper or popcorn.
The PTO at Auburn High School presented parents with a letter laying out a couple of "opt out" fundraising options. It read,
“Don’t want to sell anything, bake anything, buy anything or generally avoid fundraising of ANY kind? This year you can OPT OUT of a traditional fundraiser by making a donation that will 100% DIRECTLY benefit Auburn High School and help us achieve our goals of helping students and teachers.”
- For a $15 donation, parents will still be included in emails.
- For $25, parents can opt out of all calls, emails, and sign-ups,
- For $50 or more, the PTO will “forget” the parent's name and “not ask for anything else all year.
I think that is money well spent! However, let's not forget that it is still great to volunteer for your kids, but the thought of not having to show up to bake sales or carwashing would be appealing and in the end, they are giving money to the cause.
What do you think? Which "opt out" fundraising option would you pick? Or, would you be the parents that are ALWAYS at school events?