Will New York State Add This To Cigarettes?
For those who smoke in New York State, there may be a new warning system coming inside your next cigarette pack.
The summer is almost here and it is time to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.It can be frustrating when you are trying to get that clean breath of spring and someone near you is smoking or vaping. Although there are fewer and fewer people smoking, every now and again your space is invaded by second hand smoke or vape.
Beyond the smell and frustration of smoke in the air is the litter of cigarette butts that are scattered around. Have you been to a beach lately? That seems to be where the most cigarette butts get tossed.
But for the individual smoker, there are bigger health concerns to tackle. The dangers of smoking are very real and in Canada, they have come up with an additional method of getting that message across that could be something we see happening soon in New York State.
It has been reported that Canada will put a warning on EACH cigarette to try to get smokers to understand the inherit health risks of smoking.
Canada will soon require that health warnings be printed on individual cigarettes and cigars in a further crackdown on smoking, the country's addictions minister announced Wednesday.
As a former smoker, I would suggest a new, healthier, habit. I chose to put down cigarettes and start to run. In just a couple of days, I felt better and food tasted better! Good luck to you if you choose to try to give up smoking.