Meet Charlie.  He's an incredibly cute little boy from England.  He's riding in the car with his dad when his dad shows everyone what helps him to keep Charlie's behavior in check.  He tells Charlie that he has a button that if he pushes it, will send him to space!


Now, it has created a bit of internet turmoil.  Was this just a harmless fun joke or was it a cruel thing to do to a little boy?

I say if you think that this is cruel, it's possible that you're creating the thin skinned society that we live in.  That boy understands that actions have consequences now and will forever remember the "red button to space."

I remember when we were kids, our behavior could have landed us at Father Baker's home for orphans.  Haven't you ever been threatened with having to walk the rest of the way home if you couldn't get along with your brothers or sisters?  We were threatened with that type of thing just about every day.  Heck, I can't tell you how many times I thought my uncle seriously took my nose right off my face!  It was a trick.  I learned how to deal with pranks and sarcasm at a young age and even learned to dish some out.  Kids are smarter than we give them credit for.

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