fisher price

Open Interviews
Open Interviews
Open Interviews
I am old enough to remember the annual Toy Fest in East Aurora. The entire weekend was devoted to the history and celebration of the fact the East Aurora is home to Fisher Price. Toy Fest even boasted having one of the largest parades in the northeast! The toy making giant is now looking to grow and that means jobs in East Aurora.
Exercise Bike
Exercise Bike
Exercise Bike
Fisher-Price has a lot of awesome toys for kids but an upcoming toy is starting to make waves. At CES the announced a newer version of their Smart Cycle. With growing technology it's amazing how the play of children has changed since the days before computers...
Why Not Your Baby?
Why Not Your Baby?
Why Not Your Baby?
Everyone thinks their baby is cute and most babies are, but are they cute enough for Fisher Price?  From the Buffalo News - if you have a cute baby and want to show him/her off then why not enter your baby in for a chance to model for Fisher Price? “W...
Is This A Good Idea?
Is This A Good Idea?
Is This A Good Idea?
Some parents are up in arms over the new Fisher-Price iPad Bouncy Seat. It’s a new take on the traditional bouncy seat, and instead of some type of baby mobile engaging infants and newborn babies, an iPad is used to entertain them.
Toy Makers Donate To Children’s Hospital
Toy Makers Donate To Children’s Hospital
Toy Makers Donate To Children’s Hospital
Fisher Price and Mattel have announced that they will be making a donation of $3 million dollars to help in the construction of a new Women and Children's Hospital.
What Is Your Town Known For?
What Is Your Town Known For?
What Is Your Town Known For?
Most of the big cities in the United States are known for something.  By that I mean stuff like Chicago is known as the Windy City.  Philadelphia has the best cheesesteaks. Detroit makes cars.   Buffalo...chicken wings.  When you think of a city, it's always good when they've got a positive thing that puts them on the map.  The question is, what would your town be known for?