10 People You’ll See When You Go Line Dancing In New York
Line dancing has been popular for years. It's still huge today, and every time you go you'll see these people.
First of all, what is line dancing?
If somehow, you've never seen line dancing, how would you describe it? Line dancing is a choreographed dance where everyone is doing the same steps in unison. People will get on the dance floor and step to the beat at the same time. They step together, they turn together, and they do everything together in a line.
It's hugely popular because it's good for all ages and can be done to all different types of music including Hip Hop (The Wobble) Disco (The Hustle), Rock (Burn It To The Ground), and probably the most popular version is country (the list is very long!).
The Wobble Line Dance
The Hustle
Burn It To The Ground
Boot Scootin' Boogie
Line dancing has been around forever
While some will argue that line dancing has been happening since the early 70s, it really hit its peak with the emergence of country line dancing in the 90s. With songs like "Boot Scootin' Boogie" and "Watermelon Craw" how could you NOT want to get on the floor and dance?
You see all different kinds of people line-dancing
As I mentioned above, line dancing works for all different groups of people. It's good for all ages. There are people who have been doing it forever and people who have never done it before on the same floor.
I've been DJing for line-dancing crowds for years now. Sadly though, I stay behind my booth for almost every dance. I know a couple, but haven't really wanted to get out and do it myself. So before we go too far, this list isn't meant to shame anyone. If you are brave enough to get out and try, then don't let anyone say anything about it. Good for you! Get your line dance on!
However, in just about every crowd I have noticed there are certain people that stand out. There are always a couple of people that fit into at least one of these categories. Here are the 10 people you'll see when you go line-dancing.
1. The Pointer - There's almost always someone on the floor who is either teaching someone else, or trying to give themselves a little extra reminder of which way the crowd should be moving.
2. The Newbie - There's always someone who hasn't ever done it before and they're just going for it. They jump out on the floor and try to learn it by doing it. These are the bravest people in the room.
3. The Seasoned Vet - This is the person who has been doing it for years. They know every step to every dance and everyone seems to be watching them.
4. No Boots Dude (or Dudette) - There's always someone who won't wear boots and that's ok. There's no written rule about what you need to have on your feet. They just seem to make it a little easier to slide when you need to.
5. Stretch Armstrong - Ever see someone stretch before they line dance? It happens. And really, it should happen more. Don't be fooled, line-dancing is an all-out workout!
6. Two-Minute Drill - Most line dance songs are around 3 minutes long. However, there are a ton of people who get bored after about 1:30-2:00 and just walk off.
7. Step Suggester - They're full of suggestions for dance steps, just not the ones to execute themselves! This is the person who goes to the DJ and asks for a song that they don't normally hear because "Someone else will know that one. That one will get the place going." Sadly, there isn't always someone else who knows it, and even "The Seasoned Vet" (mentioned above) has to really think back to remember how it goes.
8. L.O.E.s - This is a person who just doesn't really try. They're kind of moving around. They probably know it but it's a lot of work so they kind of half-heartedly go through the motion. L.O.E. stands for Lack Of Effort.
9. The Cellular Cowboy - This person will not put their phone down. They aren't taking pictures. They're literally texting while dancing. It's actually kind of impressive if you ask me.
10. The Dancefloor Diversion - The person that EVERYONE is always watching. Whether it's because they're so good at what they do, or they're just damn good looking, everyone is constantly watching them.
So which one would you say YOU are? And are there any that we missed?