10 Things That Should Be De-Influenced In Buffalo
If you’re a social media obsessive, you’ve more than likely seen “de-influencing” taking over your feed. The hashtag #deinfluencing already has over 360 million views on TikTok alone, and the trend shows no sign of slowing down.
What Is De-Influencing?
If you’re unfamiliar, de-influencing is when a TikTok, Instagram, or other social media creator breaks down the things they’ve bought due to their hype. Whether it’s because of a well-placed advertisement or their favorite influencer posts a video raving about the product, millions of people are convinced to buy things because social media “made them do it.”
Unfortunately, for many of these consumers, the products they purchased weren’t worth the exorbitant price tag, and they feel duped. However, instead of letting themselves be another victim of a social media marketing scam, they’re using their chosen platform to take their power back by posting videos “de-influencing” the things they bought.
Honestly, I love this trend. Too often, we get tricked into buying something we don’t need - or sometimes don’t even want - just because it’s cool or trendy. This stuff usually ends up in landfills or on the shelves of consignment stores, adding to the planet's waste.
Not to mention - think of the billions of dollars we’d all save worldwide if we didn’t shell out money for all of the stuff social media convinced us to buy!
What Should Be De-Influenced In Buffalo?
That being said, it isn’t just “stuff” that deserves to be de-influenced. There are things right here in Buffalo that get a lot of publicity and hype that aren't worth it. We asked Facebook what deserves to be de-influenced right here in Western New York - and people did not hold back.
Keep scrolling to see what locals say should be de-influenced here in the 716!