Albino Deer Spotted in East Aurora
They're not very common but one seems to be popping in and around East Aurora. It could be an Albino deer but those are VERY rare and really don't live that long. Whether it's a white deer or an albino deer one thing is known, these are not seen very often. According to Cool Green Science, the deer most likely has a condition known as leucism. Leucism is "a recessive genetic trait found in about one percent of all white-tails. As with albinism, leucism can be found in nearly all mammals." This just means is does not exhibit all the symptoms or have the congenital condition that would go along with albinism. The article also states that deer with leucism tend to live longer than those with albinism however, their white pigmentation does make them more susceptible to predators.
This picture was taken by Lisa Martin in East Aurora. She said she took the photo on March 13th around 9:45 a.m. She was in the Key Bank parking lot by 20A and Mill Rd in EA. She also said "I was very excited to see it!"
Have you ever spotted a white deer? Whether in the woods or cruising around town?