AWESOME–National CBS Evening News Talks Bills Mafia; Raised $170,000!
How fitting is this? The National CBS Evening News ended the broadcast with 'Lets Go Buffalo' and is hosted by a Tonawanda Native. (Ironically, moments later was Jeopardy and kicking it off was an Anchor Bar question).
The CBS Evening news is hosted by Jeff Glor, a Buffalo native so, it was fitting that he couldn't wait to interview Andy Dalton about the Bills Mafia coming through for Dalton's charity--big time.
Last night, Dalton announced that the City of Good Neighbors raised over $170,000 for his charity---in less than 2 days of Dalton helping the Cincinnati Bengals beat the Baltimore Raves, ultimately sending the Buffalo Bills to the playoffs.
All of the donations were coming in increments of 17 dollars.
$17 to represent the 17 seasons without going to the playoffs and if Dalton had not lead his Cincinnati Bengals to a heroic, last chance win against the Ravens, the City of Buffalo would not be this happy right now. To repay him--Buffalo Bills fans have helped out his cause by the numbers.