Before You Shop Know That Wegmans Updated Their Mask Policy
As COVID-19 cases continue to rise in Western New York and across New York State, Wegmans has issued an updated mask policy for their workers and customers.
According to a Tweet from Wegman's official Twitter account, all employees at Wegmans will have to wear a mask when they are on duty and all customers are encouraged to wear masks while shopping whether they are vaccinated or not.
The policy went into effect yesterday and the change in policy was made based on new information from the CDC and the New York State Department of Health.
Wegmans is not the only place where employees are not required to wear masks while on the job. This week Erie County announced that employees, vendors, and visitors to any county-run building will have to wear masks while indoors. Also, Erie County employees will have to wear a mask while on duty whether they are inside the building or outside on a job site.
Currently, Erie and Niagara county are considered to be "Substantial Risk" for the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Slightly over 50% of the population of both counties have been vaccinated while Erie County had over 60% of the population with at least one dose of the vaccination.
You can see where each county in Western New York is when it comes to vaccination rates HERE.
Updated Mask Policies At Major Retailers and Grocery Stores