Best Buy To Stop Selling This…
It looks like the times are catching up with Best Buy and they are starting to make some changes in their inventory. Best Buy will begin to remove CDs from their stores starting on July 1st. It seems that no one is buying CDs as much these days and they're really not heading to Best Buy to buy them. According to Billboard, Best Buy is only pulling in about 40 million with CD sales which may sound good to you but not for tech box store who used to be the most powerful merchandiser in the market.
If you aren't much for CDs but love the Vinyl throwback you are in luck. Best Buy said they would continue to stock and sell vinyl for at least two more years. However, look for the vinyls to be strategically placed with turntables.
Times have certainly changed in this digital world. With Amazon and iTunes many consumers find no need to head to the traditional brick and mortar stores for their purchases anymore. It will be interesting to see how big box and tech stores will navigate the digital future to remain relevant and profitable.