Bills Player To Donate $100,000 To FeedMore WNY
Bills center Mitch Morse made a big statement and did what was right. He donated $100,000 to FeedMore of WNY, according to WKBW.
FeedMore WNY is a non-profit that was formed after the Food Bank of WNY and Meals on Wheels merged.
"We're not in Buffalo right now. We're in Kansas City," Morse told "You hear about everyone around the country that's being affected by this - not just by getting sick but economically taking a hit also. I think the thing that stuck out to me and Caitlin the most was the kids everywhere who were getting these meals at schools but can't right now. That also sparked the thought, 'Well, if these kids are being affected, I'm sure there are other venues and groups of people that are also feeling the wrath of the economic change brought on by this crisis.'"
These are challenging times but we're seeing people step up and help one another in a time of need.
Read more here.