No Blue Bathing Suits For New York State Kids?
The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming and spring has arrived in New York State! The good weather is going to be here for at least the next few days and there is a good chance you are trying to get ready for the summer around the house. If you have a pool, it is time to consider the opening date!
The Farmer's Almanac tells us that there is a good chance that this summer will be a "scorcher". As we see average temperatures get higher and the summer seem to last longer, more people are thinking of adding a pool to the backyard or heading to the lake more often. There is at least one report about bathing suits that some parents are taking serious as we get ready for summer.
The video is all over TikTok and it shows a mom who has concerns about the color of the bathing suit her child is going to wear. Nikki Scarnati, a certified infant swimming instructor, wants parents to know that blue bathing suits match the color of the water and that can be really dangerous.
The color of the suit that your child is wearing may actually be a problem when they are in a pool with a similar color liner.
The spring weather is about to get very warm in New York State as some forecasts are calling for portions of The Empire State to get highs in the 80's before the weekend. Keep in mind, it is only April and we still have some time before the water of the pool or lake that you want to swim in is warm.