Buffalo St. Patrick’s Day Love Poem
With your help we wrote an epic love poem to Buffalo in anticipation of the weekend's celebrations. We started you off, and you took on the rest. Here's the completed version:
There’s a city on Lake Erie
Where the nights are cold and the days are dreary.
Winter’s been so long, spring is finally near.
Parade weekend is coming, grab your green beer!
America’s second biggest parade with so much luck,
Maybe the Sabres should go so they wouldn’t suck.
Corned beef and cabbage, and Reuben’s on rye
While visions of Ireland dance in your eye.
If St. Patrick’s Day brings a lot of cheer
Why can’t we do it the rest of the year?
We are all from Buffalo so we can be smitty
‘Cuz we are far better than those from New York City.
The Bills were once great with the irishman Kelly,
If you’ve got green candy….get in my belly!
if you stop for a drink at D’Arcy McGee's,
Don’t be cheap, tip the bartender please!
Roads, cars, and girls so salty,
If i get arrested it sure ain’t my fault...y.
So when St. Patrick’s Day is over, don’t fret or dismay,
It’s just time to get ready for Dyngus Day!