Buffalo Is One Of The Worst Cities In The Nation For Grass Allergies
Ah yes, it's spring time! That means warmer weather (hopefully soon), beautiful flowers, and if you suffer from allergies, a bunch of empty tissue boxes.
Buffalo is rough when it comes to people who suffer with allergies. Lawn Love just did a study to determine the worst cities for dealing with allergies, and Buffalo came in in the top 10!
What causes allergies?
Allergies are simply your body reacting to foreign substances being in your body. Things like pollen, pet dander, and bee venom are seen as a threat in people's bodies. If you don't have the antibodies to fight them off, your body will do what it can to remove them on its own. That could mean sneezing them out. It's gross, but it's your body doing what it can to protect itself.
Why are some cities worse than others for allergies?
There is a lot that will determine how your body will react to certain allergens. First, it's your own body. Not everyone reacts to specific allergens in the same way. The second would be the number of allergens in the air.
Something else to keep in mind is the average wind speed. Why? That's one of the major ways that allergens spread in the summer. The higher the wind speed, the further those allergens can travel.
How does Buffalo compare to other cities for grass allergens?
The study looked at 131 cities across the United States to determine how hard it would be to deal with allergies. Buffalo came in 7th!
That's not good. Some of the key factors include:
- Average Climate Change Risk Score - 7th
- Average Number of Significant Grass Allergens - 12th
- Number of Available Allergy Tests for Grass Allergens - 87th
- Allergists and Immunologists per 100,000 Residents - 85th
We weren't alone either. Right up the 90 from us, Syracuse came in at 8th in the country. Albany came in at #39. New York City was at #55 and Rochester was #118.
Click here to see more on the study.