Catch Disney’s ‘Coco’ Tonight (10/29) at the Transit Drive In
Trick or treating is technically not cancelled in New York State. But there are still people who would prefer to skip it this year. If you're still looking for something to do to celebrate Halloween though, there's a family-friendly event happening tonight at the Transit Drive-In.
It's a chance for the kids to get dressed up in their costumes and celebrate Halloween in a socially distant way. Head out to the Transit Drive-In tonight for their “Halloween on Transit" event.
Of course they will be playing a movie on the big screen. It's a Halloween movie...but it's not too scary that the little ones will be afraid. They'll be showing Disney's "Coco."
But according to Step Out Buffalo, that's not all that they have going on there. There will also be food trucks starting at 5:30, a family-friendly costume contest, a laser light show, and more.
Tickets are $10 per person and they ask that you purchase tickets for your entire vehicle at the same time. They must be purchased in advance.
The fun starts at 5:30 with the food trucks, so you don't even have to make dinner. Just pack everyone in and head out to get to the food early. Then it's the costume contest at 6:30, followed by the laser light show, and the movie on the big screens will close the night out.
Drive-Ins have been a savior as far as entertainment is concerned throughout this pandemic. It's crazy to think that they were dying out at one time. But now, they're giving us tons of things we can do in a socially distant way.
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