10 Cheapest Foods On the Tim Hortons Menu
Have you ever wanted to grab a quick bite to eat, but you realize that hitting up a drive-thru just might break the bank?
I get it. Trust me. I make more than my fair share of runs to Tim Horton’s, and it can start to add up fast.
In case you need a guide as to what are the most affordable options on the Tim Horton’s menu, make note of these 10 things so you can treat yourself without spreading yourself so thin.
10 Cheapest Foods on the Tim Horton's Menu
These are the 10 cheapest foods you can order from the Tim Horton's Menu.
Top 22 Coffee Shops in Western New York
These are the top 22 coffee shops in Western New York that are perfect for meeting a friend, studying for a test, or getting caught up on some office work.