Create Your Own Taco Bell Shepherds Pie [RECIPE]
We all want to use a little creativity this year to enhance our Thanksgiving experience. It is going to be much different this year than last and we may have found the perfect recipe for those who want to add some spice to your meal.
Taco Bell released a recipe for their Shepherds Pie and it really doesn't sound all that bad. All you will need for the cooking is basic cookware, two classic crunchy Taco Bell tacos, four sauce packets of your choosing, and a few extra ingredients from the grocery store.
We are going to stick our favorites this year and keep our gathering to just our immediate family. The boys are at the age where keeping their attention at dinner requires us to be creative in other ways than what we are preparing for them to eat. Our oldest son has learned a new dance and sing along for Thanksgiving and it has been fun watching his brothers learn it as well. Back in the day, families didn't have technology to entertain them. It was music, it was stories that were passed down through generations and even reading together. 2020 is the prefect time to try new things and this recipe could be a great way to get the family involved.