Cuomo: 50% of Workforce Must Work Outside the Office
Governor Andrew Cuomo issued a mandatory workforce reduction on Wednesday across all of New York State with the exception of essential services. An executive order will state that each business needs to have at least 50% of its workforce working from home (or somewhere other than the business).
Per WIVB, the exceptions are food delivery services, pharmacies, and those that work in healthcare, shipping, and supplies.
The governor says he understands reducing the workforce is an issue, but we should “deal with one crisis at a time” and the public health crisis is more important than an economic crisis right now.
He also provided an update on the coronavirus case count in New York State.
The number of positive coronavirus cases in New York State has risen dramatically, to 2,383 across the state. That is up 1,008 cases from Tuesday. Cuomo reiterated that cases would continue to rise as testing increases.