Hangin’ with Hank: 2017 Kentucky Derby Prediction [VIDEO]
The 2017 Kentucky Derby is slated for May 6th at Churchill Downs. Hank and I had our own horse race to predict the winner and assist you with any wagers you may want to do!Since we don't own any real horses and had only our living room to race in, we had to improvise when it came to the field and the length of the race.
I have been keeping an eye on some of the experts and their picks and put together what I think are the top 3 horses to watch. Keep in mind, I have ZERO experience with this stuff. I like watching The Kentucky Derby every year. But I have never actually picked any winners or even runner ups for a race in my life.
Hank is another story. Since this is his first year watching The Kentucky Derby, he may have a bit of the proverbial..."beginners luck?" Is it possible that a 10 month old has the skills and foresight to correctly pick the winner of the fastest 2 minutes in sports?
Regardless of the outcome on Saturday May 6th, watching Hank pick his favorite horse will always be one of my favorite videos we have done!