Hangin’ with Hank: Dinner with the Modens
Dinner time at our house is one of my absolute favorite parts of the day. It may just be my favorite. The only close second would be nap time! Hank got a case of the giggles at dinner and we couldn't help but want to share it with you.Like most families, we try to have a no phone at the dinner table policy. However, mommy was quick to grab her phone when Hank started to laugh. It's moments like these that really make me glad I am a dad to this little guy. No matter how bad the day may have been or how stressed I become, Hank's laughter brings me right back to peace.
Hank really has grown so much in just ten months. He is crawling everywhere and is "all boy." He is getting in to anything he can get his tiny hands on and has learned to pull himself upright. This is both amazing to witness and stressful as well. There are moments I am afraid to turn my back on him!
One of Hank's newest things that he has learned is the "sooo big" response. We ask "How big is Hank?" and he responds by putting his hands high in the air above his head! He was even doing it while I was placing this video on the site for this post.
We have very busy lives and some days they seem to be way more than we can handle. Then we sit down for dinner as a family and it brings everything back in to perspective. These are the moments that I hope Hank will appreciate seeing someday when he looks back at this mini series about his first year on earth!
Here's Hangin' with Hank: Dinner with the Modens...