Has Being Polite Become Obsolete?
I had no idea that my Tweet about an experience at a gas station would draw as much attention as it has. Perhaps things like good manners haven't gotten away from us after all?
I stopped by the Mobile station on South Park Ave on Tuesday to get some diesel fluid and hit the ATM. As I was walking to the entry door, I noticed a woman also making her way to the inside. As a force of habit, I waited and held the door open so she could enter first.
There was a brief stare down and after a clearly offended look hit her face, she explained that "she doesn't need me to hold the door for her." I was caught off guard and didn't know what to say other than "ok."
I was actually worried that I am doing things wrong. I try to stay up with current issues and trends. But perhaps I am missing something when it comes to the art of being polite?
It's not just women that I wait to hold the door for. My father taught me to never to be in such a rush that you can't respect other people or at least have some level of consideration for others.
It truly bugged me for the rest of the afternoon. Was it my appearance? Was she just having a bad day?
I am trying to teach our son how to do the right things and for me that starts with simple courtesy. Holding a door for someone, saying hello to people, using words like please and thank you are just a few of the small things that I am determined to get Hank to do.
Perhaps it's too old fashioned? Seriously, have we gotten so progressive that common courtesy and manners have become offensive? After reading the responses to my Tweet, I still have hope that society appreciates "the little things."
My mom and dad worked too hard to get the five of us kids on a path to become gentleman and ladies. My wife and I are doing the same for our son and I can only hope that whatever was bugging that woman Tuesday afternoon was temporary. I really believe that there is till room for us to pass along kindness. Even if it is a brief encounter with a stranger at a gas station entry door.
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