Here’s Why You’ll See More State Police Around WNY This Weekend
The Fourth of July and Independence Day weekend are here! If you plan on having a few extra drinks or attending a few extra parties this weekend, make sure to have a ride planned or think ahead for Uber or Lyft.
According to reports at the end of this week, there will be more DWI patrols set up over the holiday weekend than in previous years. Due to last year‘s pandemic, there wasn’t as much traveling going on for Independence Day weekend as we normally see. Events, parties, fireworks displays were all either canceled or done on a smaller scale even virtually. The summer of 2021 is offering so many more things to do and so much more fun.
Because of a drivers shortage, there will be higher prices at the gas pump before you head out for your weekend getaway. It’s not necessarily the fuel cost as much as it is the supply chain and demand. I have been seeing price is around $3.15 here in the city of Buffalo and even prices at native American owned gas stations have creeped up closer to three dollars in the last week or so.