How Much Is Your Teen Texting?
In today's world, "texting" seems to be the most popular method of communicating for teens. They do it in the morning before school, at the breakfast table, on the ride to school, in school, etc etc.. You see where I'm going! I used to be a super texter too...in my teen years. Now that I'm upwards of 25, 28, 30 (uggh), I don't text as much, but it is still an everyday thing and it is my main method of communicating (aside from talking, that is!! ) On average, I send roughly 12-20 texts/day, sometimes even less. Although I don't text as much as I used to, I still keep an unlimited text plan on my full phone plan. I think it's a must and parents....it's worth the money if your teen is a super-texter. Some of you may know how much you have to pay if you or your kid goes over their allotted texts! It's bad!!
So how much is your teen texting? If they're anything like the teens surveyed in this TextPlus poll, you might be interested in these findings......
According to TextPlus.....
The average teen sends 60 text messages every day. I found that to be a little low, but hey, they're the poll takers!
The poll also found that teens would rather text each other than have a person to person conversation!
67% of the teens surveyed said that they would totally accept a prom date request through text message.
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