Lake Effect Returns to Buffalo + Western New York Today
The lake machine is going to get a practice run for the next 24 hours around western New York. The bands that we typically see bring us snow, will bring rain.
A band of lake effect rain will persist through 8 am from western
Niagara county and Grand Island.
The lake band will shift south into the Buffalo metro area and
Northtowns between 7 am and 10 am.
Motorist should drive with caution and be prepare for wet roads
and possible ponding on roadways during the morning commute.
After a very windy day on Tuesday, the lake effect bands will form and push rain over the region. If the temperatures were right, this could have resulted in our first real snowfall of the season! It looks like we will be getting some colder air over the weekend that will produce some flakes over the higher elevations.
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