Looks Like The Transit Drive-In Will Have a “Lord of the Rings” Movie Marathon
The Transit Drive-In is one of Western New York's best traditions during the summertime, but that drive-in movie experience is expected to last well into the fall this year as well.\
The drive-in is currently showing all the Harry Potter movies, which has been a home run so far for movie goers (it was nothing but rave reviews when my fiancee and I went last weekend), and now it looks like there's another movie trilogy heading to the drive-in.
According to their Facebook page, the Transit Drive-In is teasing at a Lord of the Rings movie marathon...
The movie showings would start the weekend of September 18th and run until early October.
According to a comment on the Transit Drive-In's Facebook post, the movies shown will be the original theatrical releases.
I know for a fact we're going to be going to at least one weekend of these. The only trilogy that rivals my fiancee's love for Harry Potter is Lord of the Rings, so this is a dream come true for her!