There's certain laws that we must all abide by in life.  We all know that we shouldn't spit into the wind, you don't pull the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger, and when your wife says she's about to have a baby, you don't drive the speed limit.

That's especially true if you live in New Hampshire.  Jim Coughlin learned that the hard way.  His wife was about to have a baby and he sped to the hospital for the delivery.  When I say he sped, I mean he was cooking.  While driving at 102 mph, a New Hampshire State Trooper tried to pull him over.  That was when Jim Coughlin decided it would be a good idea to call 911 to assure them that he wasn't trying to outrun the officer but was just trying to get them to the hospital.

It actually was a good idea to call because the 911 operator got in touch with the trooper who then gave them an escort the rest of the way to the hospital.  Jim's wife Angela did have the baby shortly after that...six minutes after that to be exact.

A happy story would end there.  The family made it to the hospital safely and the baby was born.  What Jim didn't know was that the trooper was waiting for him in the lobby to give him a speeding ticket.  "[The officer] said, 'Congratulations on your son, and the bad news is that I am going to have to see you in court,'" Coughlin recalled.

Read the whole story here:

Husband Gets Ticket After Rushing Wife To The Hospital

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