Miss A Useless Trivia Answer In August? Get All The Answers Here
We ask the questions on the air and online...but what do you do if you miss the answer? They'll drive you crazy. But we've got them for you right here.
If you've never played Useless Trivia with us, you're missing out. The questions seem simple enough on the surface. But then a lot of the time, the answers are really "out there."
We play every day on the air between 2:15 and 2:30 and we post the question every morning on our facebook page (just in case you don't really want to wait until then to get your guess in.
But the thing about this contest is, if you don't get to hear the answer, it will drive you crazy for days. So do your best to never miss it!
We understand that as much as we would like for you to be glued to your radio all afternoon while you're on the job, it's not always possible. So we've decided to compile all the questions and answers in one place for you to find.
These are all of the answers that we could find from the entire month of August 2021.
Here's what's even better - I'm going to put one of these up every month at the end of the month. So if you miss one, you can either check on our facebook post to see if we remembered to drop the answer there, or find it here on our website.