Happy New Year! 2024 is finally here and while there are dozens of new laws that are going to be in place for the new year, there are some that are merely bills or rumors at this point.

The cold, winter weather is here and for some that means it is time to use that wood that they spent the summer and fall stacking. But what is the future of heating with wood in New York State?

Note from the editor: This story has been updated with a statement from the New York State Department of Environment Conservation. Please see below under "Statement from the NYS DEC."

Are the days of having your home heated with a wood furnace going away in New York State? There's a pending law in New York that will begin to change how buildings and homes in New York are heated in an effort to reduce carbon emissions. 

This bill known as the New York State Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act was signed in 2019 and will start to have a big impact in 2022.

Sections 2 and 3 of the bill would modify the Environmental Conservation Law to establish the New York state climate action council, and green-house gas emissions limits and reporting requirements, and provisions to address potential impacts on disadvantaged communities.

According to the bill, this portion of the law will go into effect as of October.

The bill would take effect on the same date as a chapter of the law of 2019 relating to a permanent environmental justice advisory group as proposed except that the community air monitoring program required by section 2 of the act shall take effect on October 1, 2022.

Similar to the reasons there won't be any gas ATV's available in New York State, this new law aims to end the damage to the environment that is caused by outdoor boilers/wood-burning furnaces.

Statement from the NYS DEC

The Climate Action Council’s Draft Scoping Plan does not contain any recommended actions directed specifically at wood burning.

The statement continues:

The State is not considering legislation that would ban wood burning. The Draft Scoping Plan puts forth strategies and actions to achieve the goals of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.

Please read their entire press release, CLICK HERE. 

The Only Acceptable Forms of Tipping In New York State

Gallery Credit: Clay Moden

9 Gross Body Changes Caused By Winter In New York State

Have you noticed that when winter arrives here in New York State, it also brings some annoying (and disgusting) changes to your body? Here are some of the grossest.

Gallery Credit: Megan Carter/Canva

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