No More Smoking Anymore in Buffalo Parks?
If you're a smoker, there may be a little trouble if you decide to light up in Buffalo Parks soon. Though, it may not be as bad as you think.
Buffalo Common Council member, Ellicott District member Darius Pridgen wants to make all of the Buffalo parks smoke free, though he does propose there be a few designated areas for smokers. The City of Buffalo is actually one of the places without smoke-free parks in Erie County. According to WGRZ:
At Roswell Park Cancer Institute, tobacco expert and Chair of Behavioral Health, Dr. Andrew Hyland, says smoke-free altogether would be best, but at least Buffalo is catching up.
"Anything that decreases tobacco use, especially the social norms around tobacco use, is going to save lives, and help the health of the community,” Dr. Hyland said.
Pridgen said it was friends at Roswell who encouraged the resolution.