North Tonawanda State Senator Calls for SAFE Act Repeal
A State Senator from North Tonawanda is trying to reverse the current gun laws in New York State. Is the SAFE Act the proper gun legislation for the entire sate?
According to Republican Senator Rob Ortt, most New Yorkers should longer be subject to the law that imposes strict anti-assault style restrictions, thorough background checks and increased penalties for offenders.
The former Mayor of North Tonawanda says that beacuse New York City has different laws/rules for other issues such as ride sharing and minimum wage than the rest of the the State, the SAFE Act should be reviewed as well.
The Senator calls for the laws to be harsher in New York City than the rest of the state.
According to a report by Time Warner Cable News,
At the request of gun rights advocates, including the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Ortt is amending his bill to call for repeal everywhere but the five boroughs. He said it's getting more attention than it did when he initially proposed it at the end of last session.
It's going to be a tough sell to the democratic portion of New York Sate's Government and to Governor Cuomo who was the mastermind behind NY SAFE.