Rebecca Black became famous after her smash YouTube hit "Friday."  Now she's back with a brand new song called "My Moment" and not everybody is on board the "We Love Rebecca Black" train.

The new video was posted to YouTube on Monday and already has over a quarter of a million dislikes!  How bad is the new song?  Check it out here:

I know it's not country and most country listeners would think that it's garbage.  I understand that.  But I have to be honest, I can totally picture a little girl loving this song.  It sounds like pop music to me.  It's definitely not my cup of tea either but my point is that it's not that bad for a pop song.

I can totally picture a little girl wanting her dad to play that song over and over and over in the car...and that dad banging his  head against the window.  But she'd love it.

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