WGRZ's Melissa Holmes has been covering this story from the beginning. Aspiring firefighter TimRiocharson made national news when his request of receiving fire department t-shirts while battling leukemia was met big time. Holmes' story was picked up nationally and Tim received 4,000 shirts, according to WGRZ.

The aspiring firefighter is now looking for something else, he needs a bone marrow transplant. When Melissa Holmes reported this news the public wanted to help and now Roswell is hosting an event for the public to help.

The bone marrow drive will happen today (Tuesday) from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the clinic at Roswell Park. WGRZ says,

"A simple swab of the cheek will determine if someone is a match for Tim, or another patient in need of a bone marrow transplant."

While the screening is FREE, there are some requirements you must meet to become a donor:

  • Ages 18-44
  • No history of cancer, diabetes or heart problems

To read the full story of Tim Richardson and to learn more about tonight's drive click HERE.


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