There is a plan that would help to deter or stop those who intend to shoplift at certain stores in the United States and here in New York State.

The busy holiday shopping season is here and it is also the time of the year that some become very desperate. Whether it is a need for cash, or material goods, thieves are at work and taking advantage of busy stores.

But a new idea to combat theft is making some a little uncomfortable and wondering how far does our right to privacy go?

It was announced earlier this week that Walmart will be testing out body cameras on certain employees in their stores in select locations. The idea is that it will help to keep people honest or keep them from stealing.

CNBC reports that: "The tech, widely deployed in law enforcement, is now being expanded into retail to help deter conflict and prevent theft".

I have four kids who are all under the age of 8 and I am trying to raise them with the concept that you have to work for the things that you want, not just take them.

But the stress of the holidays does change the way people act. One attorney reports that "The Chamber of Commerce study found a 53% increase in shoplifting in small retail stores around the holidays".

With a new year approaching, and an increase in minimum wage and the hope for lower interest rates, hopefully people can get their finances back in order and perhaps not be so desperate. Until then,, companies have to protect their interests and are finding new ways to do so.

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