Seneca Resorts & Casinos Pausing Entertainment
Per Seneca Resorts & Casinos, the following shows have been postponed:
Rescheduled dates will be announced to the public as soon as possible. Per Seneca Resorts & Casinos:
Due to the ongoing concern of Coronavirus (COVID-19) across the U.S., many entertainment acts have been rescheduling their shows to a later date. Seneca Resorts & Casinos entertainment shows have been postponed through April. Shows either have been rescheduled or are in the process of confirming rescheduling dates. This includes shows scheduled at Seneca Niagara Event Center, Seneca Niagara Bear’s Den Showroom, and Seneca Allegany Event Center.
You can check senecaniagaracasino.com and senecaalleganycasino.com for updates.

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