Starbucks Is Adding THIS To Their Pumpkin Spice Lattes
You're about to have a Pumpkin Spice overload! If you thought PSL was life wait to see what they're adding to this fall favorite drink!
Starbucks is adding Pumpkin Spice whip cream to their Pumpkin Spice Lattes! However, it's only for a limited time so make sure you have it down on your schedule so you don't miss out on this opportunity! According to Business Insider,
Starbucks will add pumpkin spice whipped cream to all Pumpkin Spice Lattes beginning Thursday, October 5 through Sunday, October 8 at participating stores in the U.S. and Canada, a spokesperson for the company confirmed.
Starbucks did have a limited run of the whip cream last year to celebrate the 13th anniversary of the Pumpkin Spice Latte. The whip cream consists of pumpkin, cinnamon, ginger, clove and nutmeg and customers can ask for the whip cream on any drink they order.