Home Wars? Improvement Wars? Star Improvement? Who plays the role Wilson? Watch this hilarious video where someone took Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor's famous grunts and dubbed them over Chewbacca's growls (is that what we call them?)
The news was released by Ben Savage himself when he tweeted: “I’m going to be a father! Well, on TV at least. The “Boy Meets World” sequel is officially happening!” It's called Girl Meets World (creative title, I know) and its in very early stages of development. But that got me thinking about some of the sitcoms that I miss from growing up:
Uggh, ....that's the sound made when one realizes that they have a load of spring cleaning to do. For me, it's eliminating clutter! Throwing needless "stuff" away! Painting is also on my list of things to do (one room at least)...and it looks like I'm not alone when it comes to doing some spring painting. The latest 2012 Spring Home Improvement Study shows that nearly .....
I was lucky enough to get an iPhone for Christmas. I have been begging for one to keep in better contact with my clients for my side job and finally got one. The funny thing is, I use it for a ton more things than I ever could have imagined. Click here for a list of 21 apps that may come in handy if you are decorating your home, want to be a handyman, or are planning a new paint job.