Life Hacks

Vacation Hack
Vacation Hack
Vacation Hack
Someone told me they do this while they go on vacation and I said, heck you should do this all the time. We travel a ton, so this would be a good idea to put in your refrigerator if you're going to be leaving your house for a while. Here's how to keep you and your family from eating bad or spoiled food by accident-- Fill a cup with water put it in the freezer until it’s solid put a quarter on top
Cell Phone Speaker
Cell Phone Speaker
Cell Phone Speaker
It's time once again for the life hack of the week.  This week I decided to try out the old "turn a toilet paper roll into a speaker hack."  See how well it worked out here...
Cleaning Hack
Cleaning Hack
Cleaning Hack
This is genius! It may take you a couple minutes to make it, but look how convenient and easy it is to use. Plus, how else would you really have cleaned this? You're welcome. // This is really cool!I watched this with my mouth open...
Homemade Soap
Homemade Soap
Homemade Soap
In this video, the man demonstrates how to make homemade laundry detergent, which is extremely economical and effective. He says it costs about $.05 per load.
Hot Cocoa Hacks
Hot Cocoa Hacks
Hot Cocoa Hacks
Nothing says winter like curling up on the couch with a nice cup of hot cocoa. Well, prepare to take yourself to the next level of hot cocoa nirvana.

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