New York’s Commission on Reparations Having Meeting In BuffaloNew York’s Commission on Reparations Having Meeting In BuffaloThe meeting is set to delve into the harms of slavery in Western New York and what should be done about it. Ed NiceEd Nice
Buffalo To Get $80 Million In Housing Help From New YorkBuffalo To Get $80 Million In Housing Help From New YorkThe New York State Senate has allocated millions in the state budget for Buffalo to improve housing opportunities in the city. Ed NiceEd Nice
Beer, Soda, & Other Drinks To Get More Expensive In New York StateBeer, Soda, & Other Drinks To Get More Expensive In New York StateSome politicians in Albany think increasing the bottle deposit will help increase recycling while others think it will be a burden on the poor. Ed NiceEd Nice
New York State Assembly Ponders New Law To Make Squatting HarderNew York State Assembly Ponders New Law To Make Squatting HarderWith the proliferation of squatting in the Empire State, lawmakers are looking at ways to better protect homeowners. Ed NiceEd Nice
New York May Give Inmates Thousands When ReleasedNew York May Give Inmates Thousands When ReleasedA new bill that's being debated in the New York State Legislature would potentially give released prisoners a chunk of taxpayer cash.Ed NiceEd Nice
Adultery Could Soon Be Legal in New YorkAdultery Could Soon Be Legal in New YorkProposed changes in New York State aim to make adultery legal in order to emphasize personal autonomy and equality in relationships.Traci TaylorTraci Taylor
New York State’s Annual Budget Process ExplainedNew York State’s Annual Budget Process ExplainedThe Empire State government collects a whole lot of our money through taxes and fees, have you ever wondered how they determine what to spend it on? Ed NiceEd Nice
See How Taxpayer Money Is Going To Be Spent In New York StateSee How Taxpayer Money Is Going To Be Spent In New York State The first draft of the 2024/25 New York State budget has been released and the Empire State is set to spend billions of dollars.Ed NiceEd Nice
Will New York State Ban This Everyday Item?Will New York State Ban This Everyday Item?Based on New York State's history with banning things, it could be very possible.Yasmin YoungYasmin Young
Governor Hochul Makes Things A Little Harder For Workers In New YorkGovernor Hochul Makes Things A Little Harder For Workers In New YorkThe legislature passed a bill that was supposed to help employees in the Empire State, but that bill was vetoed by the Governor. Ed NiceEd Nice
Racial Reparations Commission Established In New York StateRacial Reparations Commission Established In New York StateThis new commission is charged by the New York State Legislature and Governor to investigate the institution of slavery, racial and economic discrimination against people of African descent, and its impact of people living today of African descent. Ed NiceEd Nice
Officials Looking At Offering Reparations In New YorkOfficials Looking At Offering Reparations In New YorkThe proposed Commission on Reparations has a lot of research ahead of them if it becomes a reality. Ed NiceEd Nice