There was a rather bizarre incident caught on live television this week as a member of the Guardian Angeles was being interviewed in New York City. The moment is getting plenty of attention and the video has gone viral.
Meet Zeke. Zeke is upset. He found out that Hillary Clinton was running for President and it ruined his day. may not be for the reason you think. You see, he doesn't really care about her or her policies. He's upset because he wanted to run for president.
Did you ever wonder what other countries think about the U.S.'s presidential elections?? The campaigning, the mud-slinging and all of the silliness in between. Examples...
The creators of the TV show "The Simpsons" are getting ready for the upcoming 2012 presidential election. In this clip, Homer Simpson is prepared to cast his vote for
I had a chance to be at something I have never been at before. A rally for a candidate for the office of President of the United States. OK, politics aside, this was a cool experience. I was reminded of how the candidates back in the day had to shout from a stump or yell from a train and on Friday, Newt Gingrich was able to fly in, use a microphone and media to get his word out.
Newt Gingrich definitely knows how to play to his audience. In a campaign speech near Cape Canaveral, FL, on Wednesday, Gingrich promised that, as president, he would push to colonize the moon.
It was one of the closest and most disputed presidential elections in U-S history. It’s when George W. Bush defeated Al Gore back in 2000 when the Supreme Court ruled that Electoral College votes in Florida would be awarded to Bush. For weeks before that the winner of the election was in doubt as legal battles dragged on over the recounting of votes.
For 36 days the election was in doubt as 47 l
After many months of speculation, Sarah Palin has decided she will not be running for president in 2012. As you may know, I have always been a big fan of Gov. Palin's, but I have never tthought she is presidential material. I think if she were really serious about serving in a political capacity, she would have finished her term as Governor of Alaska...
President Obama is on the campaign trail in advance of the 2012 election. At a fundraiser he attended, he was interrupted by a man who was shouting at him.
It was in January of 1789, America held its first presidential election. Voters cast ballots to choose state electors; only white men who owned property were allowed to vote – the first use of what we know today as the Electoral College system. George Washington won the election and was sworn into office the following April.
We still use the Electoral College as it was written into the U.S. Cons