With all of the smoke from wildfires, here is how you can make a super easy homemade air conditioner to cool the house down without opening your house windows.
These pictures from New York State over the past 24 hours are insane. The smoke from wildfires in Canada has made its way into New York and completely filled areas with so much smog that it is keeping people inside.
A brand new group is making a big splash in country music and they're called A Thousand Horses. They fuse influences that includes county, rock, and blues and you can hear it in their first song called 'Smoke' that is jumping up the Country Music Chart...
You be the judge here.
Should the use of e-cigarettes be banned in public places? The Health and Human services committee is will begin talks of possibly banning vaping in public places where traditional cigarettes aren't allowed. According to EverSmoke, some e-cigs have nicotine while others may not...